🌟 Reconnect with Your Inner Child: A Transformative 6-Week Journey 🌟

Embark on a profound exploration of self-discovery and healing as you delve into the realms of your inner child. This transformative 6-week course is designed to guide you on a journey of self-awareness, self-love, and healing, allowing you to connect with the pure and authentic essence that resides within you.

Awakening the Inner Child

Explore the landscapes of your inner world and uncover the sacred space where your inner child resides.

Healing the Inner Child

Tap into the healing power of creativity with art, writing, and movement, providing a safe outlet for your inner child to express emotions and memories


Explore Childhood Patterns

Develop a kind and nurturing inner dialogue through guided meditations, fostering self-compassion and acceptance

Nurturing the Inner Child

Investigate and understand patterns formed in childhood, providing clarity for breaking free from limiting beliefs.

$97 for lifetime access

Why Should I Heal My Inner Child?

Healing your inner child is a profound and essential journey that holds the key to unlocking a life of authenticity, emotional freedom, and profound self-love.

Your inner child carries the imprints of early experiences, shaping core beliefs and emotional responses that ripple into adulthood. By engaging in the process of inner child healing, you embark on a transformative odyssey to mend the wounds of the past, fostering emotional resilience and self-compassion.

This journey enables you to untangle the threads of limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns, offering a pathway to healthier relationships, increased self-awareness, and a more profound connection with your true essence.

Ultimately, the importance of healing your inner child lies in reclaiming the joy, playfulness, and wonder that characterize your most authentic self, allowing you to step into the present with a heart unburdened by the past, and to embrace a future filled with possibility and genuine fulfillment.

How will this benefit my life?

Emotional Liberation

Healing your inner child enables emotional liberation, freeing you from the grip of unresolved childhood wounds. This newfound emotional freedom allows for a more authentic experience of your feelings, fostering a healthier relationship with your emotions.

Self-Compassion and Acceptance

Inner child healing promotes self-compassion and self-acceptance. As you nurture the wounded aspects of your inner child, you cultivate a gentler, more understanding relationship with yourself, diminishing self-judgment and criticism.

Healthy Relationship Patterns

Healing the inner child helps break patterns of dysfunction and unhealthy dynamics in relationships. By addressing and transforming past relational wounds, you can cultivate healthier connections and communication patterns in your current relationships.

Increased Self-Awareness

Engaging in inner child healing deepens self-awareness, allowing you to understand the root causes of certain behaviors, reactions, and beliefs. This awareness empowers you to make conscious choices aligned with your present values and goals.

Enhanced Resilience

Healing your inner child contributes to increased emotional resilience. By addressing and overcoming past traumas, you develop the capacity to navigate life's challenges with greater strength and adaptability.

Authentic Self-Expression

Inner child healing encourages authentic self-expression by unlocking the creativity, playfulness, and curiosity innate to your true self. This authenticity fosters a sense of freedom to express your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations genuinely.

Breaking Generational Patterns

One of the outcomes of healing your inner child is the potential to break generational patterns. By addressing and resolving ancestral traumas, you contribute to a legacy of healthier emotional and relational dynamics for future generations.

Improved Physical Well-Being

Emotional well-being is closely connected to physical health. Inner child healing can contribute to stress reduction, improved sleep, and overall better physical health outcomes, as the mind-body connection is acknowledged and nurtured.

Alignment with Purpose

As you heal your inner child, you align with your authentic self, enabling a clearer connection with your life's purpose. This alignment fosters a sense of fulfillment and direction, guiding you toward choices and endeavors that resonate with your true essence.

Join us on this illuminating journey of self-discovery and healing. Reconnect with the pure, authentic spirit of your inner child and embark on a path toward a more joyful, fulfilled, and authentic life. Your inner child awaits with open arms. Are you ready to embrace them?

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Angel, and I am a lover of nature; I love trees, hiking, rainforests, walking on the beach, sunsets and sunrises, and grounding daily by walking barefoot on the earth. I believe in the healing energy of Mother Earth.

I aspire to help people to connect into their hearts. We are taught our whole lives to live in our heads, where the average person has 60,000 thoughts a day- crazy! I love teaching people to connect into their hearts and lead their lives from this space instead. I believe this is the catalyst for creating amazing change in people's lives!

My mission is to help each person to connect in with their heart and soul, and discover what it is that sets their soul on fire.

I became interested in holistic therapies and have studied many modalities over the years including Usui Reiki, Celtic Reiki, Counselling, Theta Healing, Angel Intuitive, Clinical Nutrition, Hypnotherapy, Sound Healing, Meditation, Crystal Healing, Massage, Aromatherapy.

I read my first Louise Hay book in my teens, and the biggest shifts I had was in doing the Inner Child work.

So I personally know how important this work is, and how life changing it can be.

I am an accredited Counsellor, Heal Your Life® Workshop Leader, Celtic Reiki Master, Usui Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Crystal Healer, Sound Healer and Retreat Facilitator.

Angel Love

$97 for lifetime access

Email: admin@angellove.com.au

Site: www.angellove.com.au

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